
电影 Grad Was ‘黑豹:永远的瓦坎达’ Assistant Editor

Alain Fleury went from working as a video editor on a cruise ship to being an assistant editor on the blockbuster Marvel film.

Alain sits at a desk with multiple monitors that read “Wakanda Forever” and “Marvel Studios.他穿着一件紫色卫衣.

Born in New York to Haitian parents before moving to Florida, Alain Fleury has always been a self-proclaimed “comic book and TV nerd.”

“I've always had that passion and always knew that I wanted to be a part of that world. I just didn't know how yet,” Alain explains.

After graduating from 满帆大学 with a 电影学士学位, Alain quickly fell into editing for a variety of projects, including music videos and commercials around Florida, before getting a job on Royal Caribbean Cruises as a video editor.

当你建立人际网络时, that means the person that you're sitting next to right now in class, those are the people that are going to be out there getting all these different positions or whatnot, so you want to make sure that you build a network with those people.”

Alain lived on the cruise ship and traveled around the world for two years, and he credits part of his networking skills to this experience.

“It opened up my mind to so many different cultures and so many different perspectives on life, so I feel like that experience definitely helped me in my career with being able to step into a new world and finding my way,他透露道。.

“Eventually my contract [ended] and the ship landed in California… I just never went home. 我住在加州. I was just like, ‘Oh, I'm just going to stay here and figure it out. 这就是我想降落的地方.’”

This turned out to be the perfect decision for Alain. 到达后不久, he was able to use the connections he made at 满帆 to land an opportunity at a small post-production house and has been working his way up in the industry ever since, 在这样的节目中工作 《老爸老妈浪漫史 和其他人.

“I started working on the shows and really learning how to deliver to TV and broadcast.”

Alain’s most notable job so far has been his work as an Assistant Editor on 黑豹:永远的瓦坎达. As one of six assistant editors for the entire film, Alain played an instrumental role in bringing the blockbuster Marvel film to life.

“[The assistant editors] would get the footage first. 我们会浏览录像, 找到最好的镜头, 发现某些事情, ‘Oh, 这就是你要找的东西,’ make sure everything that was supposed to be shot was shot,他说.

“We'd do a preliminary string out or a cut on a timeline of all the best takes, and then [the editors would] go through it and edit the scene together working with the director. Afterward, they'd send it [back] over to us to [work on] the sound design.”

The small editing team meant Alain got to exercise some creative freedom when editing the feature film. 和瑞恩·库格勒以及编辑们一起工作, they were very open to my opinions and my voice, and I had some input in crafting some parts of the story.”

自从我在 黑豹:永远的瓦坎达, Alain has worked as the Assistant Editor for 《变形金刚:野兽的崛起 and has been the main editor on several small films and projects.

Throughout his time in the film and television industry, Alain has developed an important networking philosophy.

“A lot of people always think that networking is only networking up…[but] it's also about networking across. 当你建立人际网络时, that means the person that you're sitting next to right now in class, those are the people that are going to be out there getting all these different positions or whatnot, so you want to make sure that you build a network with those people.”

关于阿兰的下一步计划, he’s not holding back: “My next big dream is to be standing there and getting that statue at the Oscars or the Emmys.”