
This 游戏艺术 Grad is a Photogrammetry Industry Leader

Tripp Topping is at the forefront of photogrammetry, one of the latest virtual art techniques.

Tripp Topping sits on a leather couch. He is wearing a brown half-zip shirt, blue pinstriped pants, and a blue baseball cap.

曼德罗瑞 was one of the first television shows to use virtual production, a technique that projects digitally-created sets on an LED backdrop during filming. The show needed a production staff that was well-versed in the latest tech, and 游戏艺术 特里普毕业典礼, who is currently the Head of Photogrammetry at Halon Entertainment, worked behind the scenes to bring the newest digital artistry to 曼达洛的 虚拟艺术部.

Tripp helped create the show’s digital props and backgrounds using photogrammetry, a technique that grabs data from photos of real-world props and landscapes and turns that data into objects that can be manipulated in video game engines. If you need to place something from a movie set, 像板条箱一样, 进入数字背景, you’d take hundreds of photos of the crate to “capture” it, 把照片输入电脑, use software to triangulate the crate’s measurements and make a 1:1 representation of it, then clean up the digital crate with tools like Lightroom Classic. The completed asset is then loaded into a game engine, 比如虚幻引擎, where it can be moved around on a virtual backdrop to accommodate different scenes.

“I was part of a small team to help prove that Unreal Engine was viable for season one of 曼德罗瑞特里普说. “I had to work on a robust photogrammetry workflow that was lossless in texture and quality. 在我们得到工作之后, I worked hand-in-hand with Industrial Light and Magic to create the 虚拟艺术部 workflow and environments… [The team I was on was] in charge of cleaning up photogrammetry scans, making shaders for Unreal [Engine], and making props and landscapes for the majority of the backgrounds in the show.”

在《 曼德罗瑞 包裹,特里普的贡献 蝙蝠侠, 蛇眼:G.I. 乔的起源, 《菠菜台子大全》, Ahsoka, 欧比旺·肯诺比,以及Netflix的 神通:最后的气宗. He’s also working as the Head of Photogrammetry for Halon Entertainment, where he’s building photogrammetry workflows, 培养新艺术家, 壮大他们的扫描团队, and helping the company expand their offerings beyond entertainment.

“We're trying to branch out into [other photogrammetry uses] because basically any field can use it. The fashion industry can use it. The engineering industry already uses it for cars and for bridges,” he says.

Tripp’s efforts in the burgeoning industry are paying off: He’s considered an industry subject matter expert and spoke about how photogrammetry is being used in 虚拟艺术部s at the 2022 SMPTE 媒体 技术 Summit. Tripp is also contributing two chapters to an upcoming 虚拟艺术部 industry handbook; his sections talk about how to capture movie and television sets using photogrammetry and how to capture assets for stage.

Photogrammetry involves a lot of moving parts and attention to detail, but Tripp says that anyone who’s looking to do it professionally can get started at home. All it takes is a phone, photo editing software, and a 3D modeling program.

“If you really wanted to do it, you could do it today,” Tripp says. “If you have a phone, you can practice. There are really good tutorials out there on YouTube… You just take the pictures and put them in Lightroom and then put them in RealityCapture, 看看你的表现.”